Monday, 8 March 2010

Stepping Lightly

Stepping lightly
from moment to moment
I dance with Life.

Silent song of the stars
melody of mountains
sounds to lead my soul home
to That place
that never was.

The Distance Inside

Behind the noise of my mind there is a place of peace.

It is not far, just a single step away, but you could walk a thousand miles and never find it.

The only step that will take you there is a step taken in absolute surrender.


walk with me,

forget the idea of being in control.

If you have learnt anything by now

it should be that we are nothing more than dust on the wind.

Or we are the very wind itself.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

The Bottomless Well

Waste not your love.

It is too precious to be thrown into a bottomless pit,
hoping one day to create a well.

The dry leaf feels not the coolness of water,
the fickle heart cannot return your devotion.

There is no blame,
that is simply the nature of things.

How long can you chase the timid fawn through the woods,
your very approach startling it into escape?

You will tire first,
and when
you lay down to rest,
you will not be there to feel it's gentle tongue upon your cheek.

So I say to you
all who seek thirsty lips to offer the overflowing cup,

Lay such purity and innocence where is worthy

At the altar of your own being.

And then one day,
you will drink from the bottomless well,
the fawn beside you.

Is the coming evolution of the human species to a higher state of consciousness real or just a mass delusion of hope?

My honest opinion is that it does not matter.

If there is some evolutionary, benevolent force emanating from the source of creation through every one of us then all we need do is drop our attachment to the current way of thinking that has given us the world we see around us today, and be open to accept the growth and awakening to our full potential and true nature, working with the process instead of clinging to the seeming security the old ways of being.

If, however, none of this is true and all this fuss is a collective grasping at hope then what we have is a huge creative force at work. Millions of individuals, each with the infinite consciousness of Life itself at the core of their being, following their own idea of the best way to exist in this reality and the vast majority of them with ideas around a central theme; to realize our innate potential as beings of infinite consciousness, to become aware of the oneness of all life and to play an inspired role in the drama of life as part of that oneness.

For anyone who has experienced their own thoughts or desires creating changes and manifestations in their life around them, you will know exactly how powerful such a collective intention will be.

For those who haven't, wake up and see what you are really made of.

If enough of us choose to create this inspired reality for ourselves and in our own lives then such a collective intent will raise the frequency of the whole planet profoundly and others will surely follow suit.

All we have to do is quieten the mind, be open to inspiration and let it flow through our thoughts, speech and actions into the world around us.

Look at what the collective mental state of mankind has created on planet earth today. If we were to begin working together to create a better future for the planet and all it's inhabitants we could achieve it a lot more easily than we created the possible fatal state of the planet today.

As a species humanity is functioning at a competitive level of survival, believing that others must go without so you can have, even if it means the destruction of opposition. Even wild animals don't live this way.

What we are faced with now is the opportunity to change our way of thinking, to evolve to a higher way of understanding and living this life. We can each of us make some basic changes in our life and as a collective species mankind will be changed. The more each of us awaken and become aware of our true potential the more the species becomes aware as a collective and in this way the actions of the few affect the whole.

The change is already happening, be it driven by evolution, divine inspiration, astrological forces or simply by the realization that the current way of living doesn't work and we need to find something better before our expensive experiments cost us the earth.

The only question really left for us is whether we take part in manifesting that collective inspiration in our reality even quicker or we wait and let others do the work for us.

"We have to live this life, why not live it in the highest way?" - Paramahansa Yogananda

The Dance of Light and Dark

There is not Yin and Yang, two halves of the same thing.

There is YinYang, one complete whole with with a dualistic nature, each indivisible from the other.

When you look at the black and white symbol of YinYang you will see that black contains a speck of white and white contains a speck of black. The shape of each is determined by it's relation to it's opposite.

Light can only exist in relation to darkness, within creation as a whole and within each aspect of that creation.

As above, so below.

Microcosm, macrocosm.

That is the dualistic nature of creation. When the duality ceases all is One, manifest reality ceases to be.

This is the goal of the Kriya Yogi; to transcend attachment/aversion to the dualistic reality, the cosmic drama, and realize, to know through direct experience, the Oneness of existence.

The One field of infinite consciousness that we call God is our very own nature, the essence of our being. We only appear to be individual souls, in Truth there is only one soul manifesting in infinite forms to experience itself.

Aversion to the darkness is the opposite and equal to being attached to the light.

In darkness we have fear and desire to experience light. In light we become attached and fear return to darkness.

In either case we are caught in the trap.

To recognize this truth, to live in a blackwhite world while our awareness is clear and grounded in the realization of Oneness is to be living free. Playing our role in the drama of life without being caught up in it.

Thus we become the Cosmic Dancer - Nataraj.

Love is . . .

. . . this.

I speak,
you listen,
love flows.

a pause . . .

You speak,
I listen,
love flows.

a pause . . .

we breathe,
love flows.

a pause . . .

love flows.

no pause,

love flows . . .


If it Hurts . . .

. . . is it still love?

Of course,

there can be nothing else.

There are times when the flow of the water is too great
for the river to contain.

Banks burst,
the planes flood,
destruction is everywhere,

But once the waters subside and the flow has calmed again
we see how clean and clear and fresh everything is.

(Look out, life is coming!)

All the debris and dead wood of the past swept away to leave the fresh
readiness of this season's new growth.

Is that not the hand of Love?

Not of This Earth

My love for you is not of this earth.

It comes from the place where silence is born
and moves me with the power of thunder.

As the poet loves the rose,
so the fragrance of your beauty fills me.

As the artist loves the lone gull's flight across an ocean sunset
so I long to capture your essence and show it to the world.

You are my drunkard's wine.

Your presence like air to the bird,
in knowing you my soul soars.

The mystics of old knew something of my passion,
the prayer on their lips,
the long quiet hours of seeking within,
the ceaseless longing for a glimpse of the Infinite,
a whisper of Truth . . .

These, the humblest offerings of humanity to the Divine.

But now,

I have seen your face

and the Gods are jealous.


What you fail to understand

is that understanding obscures Truth.

If you truly understand anything

then do not try to understand this.


Why talk to me of love?

Love does not exist,

it is merely an idea,

a concept


to take the mind

to that place of surrender

where God can enter.


it is the most important concept

that you will ever


to understand.

More Of Love


true love,

real love,



quite simply,


When we are so open that all of existence pours through our being,

all the joy and the pain,

the happiness and the sorrow,

the tears,






all of it,

when we can just let go and allow all of That to flow through our being like the banks that hold the flowing river,

then, perhaps, we can say we have tasted of love.

For love is just that,

the acceptance of All,

all that is in this very moment.

The Seed



That pure state of perfect stillness,

The Seed.

Love is everything else.

Love is what grows from the seed,

Love is what is lived

and love is the death at the end of the cycle.

Love is what drives the life,

sustains the life

and love is what brings one life to an end

so another may begin.

But the seed never changes,

it is always there,



infinite potential without form or restriction of any kind.

So you see, even love itself is an impurity to such exquisitely sublime stillness

but we'll forgive it for now.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Falling to Freedom, the Art of Letting Go

Why fall?

Because in falling we surrender, if only for a split second before we hit the floor.

In that moment our fear overwhelms us, the flight or fight response hasn't yet made it's choice, panic freezes our mind.
For a second there is no thought

quiet without the mental chatter

freedom from thought

freedom from expectation

freedom from judgements




without action

the silent mind is free

to experience pure being

without the static of thought


the fall to freedom.

The fall need not be literal, the moment you face your fears, quit your shit job, ask the girl you love on a date, tell your partner it's over, spread your arms wide before jumping off the high dive board, . . . each of these moments, and many more like them in everyday life, is a step out of conditioned behaviour, the familiar programme ceases to run in our minds and for a moment we are without commentary, we don't know this experience and we have no way to predict or calculate an outcome, we are falling, and we are free.

Do new things, frequently, for in these moments the mind is open, there is silence and we are at one with the existence, we are life experiencing itself.

So find a metaphorical ledge in your day, step to the edge, feel the exhilaration as you step off the edge and fall . . . . .

I can't guarantee the outcome will be any good, I'm only talking about the pure moment of the first step over the edge, what happens after that is unknown, this wouldn't work if it wasn't. But let's not be silly about this, we are adults after all.

I'm told skydiving is good, riding a motorbike really fast works wonders too, but there are obvious drawbacks there, I'm still limping 8 years later.

Personally I use meditation now, the final letting go of ego where the personality dissolves, that's a fresh moment, the dissolution of your entire known reality, and the fall can go on and on . . . until mind snaps back

and you find yourself standing on the ledge . . .
to step off





Why not?

It's more fun than thinking about stuff that it's too late to do or worrying about things that will probably never happen.