My honest opinion is that it does not matter.
If there is some evolutionary, benevolent force emanating from the source of creation through every one of us then all we need do is drop our attachment to the current way of thinking that has given us the world we see around us today, and be open to accept the growth and awakening to our full potential and true nature, working with the process instead of clinging to the seeming security the old ways of being.
If, however, none of this is true and all this fuss is a collective grasping at hope then what we have is a huge creative force at work. Millions of individuals, each with the infinite consciousness of Life itself at the core of their being, following their own idea of the best way to exist in this reality and the vast majority of them with ideas around a central theme; to realize our innate potential as beings of infinite consciousness, to become aware of the oneness of all life and to play an inspired role in the drama of life as part of that oneness.
For anyone who has experienced their own thoughts or desires creating changes and manifestations in their life around them, you will know exactly how powerful such a collective intention will be.
For those who haven't, wake up and see what you are really made of.
If enough of us choose to create this inspired reality for ourselves and in our own lives then such a collective intent will raise the frequency of the whole planet profoundly and others will surely follow suit.
All we have to do is quieten the mind, be open to inspiration and let it flow through our thoughts, speech and actions into the world around us.
Look at what the collective mental state of mankind has created on planet earth today. If we were to begin working together to create a better future for the planet and all it's inhabitants we could achieve it a lot more easily than we created the possible fatal state of the planet today.
As a species humanity is functioning at a competitive level of survival, believing that others must go without so you can have, even if it means the destruction of opposition. Even wild animals don't live this way.
What we are faced with now is the opportunity to change our way of thinking, to evolve to a higher way of understanding and living this life. We can each of us make some basic changes in our life and as a collective species mankind will be changed. The more each of us awaken and become aware of our true potential the more the species becomes aware as a collective and in this way the actions of the few affect the whole.
The change is already happening, be it driven by evolution, divine inspiration, astrological forces or simply by the realization that the current way of living doesn't work and we need to find something better before our expensive experiments cost us the earth.
The only question really left for us is whether we take part in manifesting that collective inspiration in our reality even quicker or we wait and let others do the work for us.
"We have to live this life, why not live it in the highest way?" - Paramahansa Yogananda
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