There is YinYang, one complete whole with with a dualistic nature, each indivisible from the other.
When you look at the black and white symbol of YinYang you will see that black contains a speck of white and white contains a speck of black. The shape of each is determined by it's relation to it's opposite.
Light can only exist in relation to darkness, within creation as a whole and within each aspect of that creation.
As above, so below.
Microcosm, macrocosm.
That is the dualistic nature of creation. When the duality ceases all is One, manifest reality ceases to be.
This is the goal of the Kriya Yogi; to transcend attachment/aversion to the dualistic reality, the cosmic drama, and realize, to know through direct experience, the Oneness of existence.
The One field of infinite consciousness that we call God is our very own nature, the essence of our being. We only appear to be individual souls, in Truth there is only one soul manifesting in infinite forms to experience itself.
Aversion to the darkness is the opposite and equal to being attached to the light.
In darkness we have fear and desire to experience light. In light we become attached and fear return to darkness.
In either case we are caught in the trap.
To recognize this truth, to live in a blackwhite world while our awareness is clear and grounded in the realization of Oneness is to be living free. Playing our role in the drama of life without being caught up in it.
Thus we become the Cosmic Dancer - Nataraj.
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